Individual Psychotherapy

Complex PTSD Treatment in Michigan

Unresolved trauma is often at the core of the issues my clients are working through. Trauma can contribute to anxiety, depression, relationship difficulties, and other issues. Though trauma is often thought of as an event that puts our lives in danger, experiences that make us fear for our emotional safety can also cause trauma.
Many of my clients have experienced what we call complex trauma, which can feel especially difficult in adulthood. Understanding the unique impact of complex trauma can inform the way we view ourselves and these experiences, and impact our recovery.
What is Complex Trauma?
Complex trauma occurs when a person spends a good deal of time in an environment where they were exposed to trauma repeatedly. It is especially likely for complex trauma to occur if these experiences took place during important developmental years.
Most commonly, complex trauma is the result of harm by another person. Examples of complex trauma include childhood abuse and neglect, human trafficking, and an abusive relationship.
Since complex trauma typically stems from harmful relationships, complex PTSD often shows itself most in our relationships with ourselves and others.
Symptoms of Complex PTSD
You probably know certain PTSD symptoms, like flashbacks, heightened fear, and nightmares. Complex PTSD can share symptoms with a more traditional PTSD experience, but it often shows up more prominently in how we relate to ourselves and others. Symptoms of C-PTSD might include:
Often feeling overwhelmed by an uncomfortable emotion (sadness, fear, anger), seemingly unprompted
Difficulty controlling emotions and having outsized reactions to things that happen
Low self-image and tendency toward self-criticism and self-blame
Feeling emotionally or even physically numb when stressed or upset, or sometimes for no reason at all
Persistent fears that others may abandon you
Avoiding behaviors that you worry will push others away, or avoiding relationships altogether
It’s worth noting that not everyone who has experienced complex trauma has C-PTSD. It is entirely possible to feel the impact of trauma without having the full experience of a diagnosis.
Complex PTSD Treatment in Michigan
The experience of C-PTSD can feel murky because it touches so many areas of a person’s life. People experiencing C-PTSD have often internalized the belief that they’re just difficult. Difficult to get along with or be around, and even difficult to love. This, of course, only worsens their self-image and fears that others will leave them.
Valid as these beliefs may be, my priority is to help you understand they aren’t true. You are not a difficult person–you’ve just learned to adapt to a world where harm feels possible at any turn. Treatment will help you find a greater sense of safety and give you the freedom to be yourself. Our work together might look a bit like this:
Impact - We’ll begin by identifying how your experience of trauma impacts your self image, your relationships, your emotions, and other areas of your life.
Processing - Once you feel ready to share, we’ll work to understand your experience, how you made sense of it at the time, and the strategies you used to get through it.
Healing - We’ll work to un-learn some of the harmful beliefs you’ve developed about yourself and the world, and repair the relationship you have with yourself.
Coping - As we work toward healing, we can identify coping skills that will help you in the present moment. This can include emotional regulation, cognitive restructuring, and communication strategies.
Whether you’re experiencing PTSD, C-PTSD, or you’d just like to better understand how trauma impacts your life, you’re welcome to get in touch to see if we might work well together.
Virtual therapy available for Michigan residents | email: | phone: (313) 288-8803